Wood carving dates back to the origins of Hawaiian art and culture. The hybrid of fine art carving and furniture creates a unique Hawaiian experience within your home or business.
Below: Humpback Whale Bedroom Set featuring an Oriental style king size bed and matching nightstands. Mahogany. This piece is available for purchase. Please contact for details. Also, visit the Videos page to see a short video of this bedroom set.

Fabricated and finished here on the Big Island Hawaii, custom carved doors can be designed and built for your home or business. Doors can be made from different tropical woods species including Mahogany, Monkey Pod, Koa, Acacia, Mango, etc. Design, artwork and blueprint services included with each order. Most any ocean, wildlife, vegetation, landscape or Hawaiian legend theme can be carved on your doors. For an estimate and formal quote, please email your door concept and details. Doors can be crated and shipped to any of the neighboring islands and the mainland. Please scroll to bottom of page for price sheet.
Below: Samples of custom carved doors from The Puna Carver
Please click image below for Door Price Chart